Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hello, Android!

So I finally was able to make the Hello World app for Android running in NetBeans. There's a few problems I want to adress:

  • Android emulator is super slow. Due to this, I tend to shut it down when it was in fact starting the virtual device.
  • After the device starts, I will not see my app running, just the blank default android screen. In order to see how my App looks like, I have to go back to NetBeans and click on debug project.
  • Never before have I been so happy to see the Hello World screen on a slow emulator running on a 5 year old machine as right now.
So I guess it's the start of a very stupid journey where I make stupid apps for the kek, and maybe later make some more fun and not so stupid app for real people.

That's enough work for today though. Will update on progress later.

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